lesson 2: sometimes, it's not all about you

lesson 2: sometimes, it's not all about you

sure we're all busy and sometimes you just want to do what's easy. but easy doesn't always go hand-in-hand with what's right. i've always enjoyed doing things for others. putting other people first. sure, i make sure to fit in the things that matter to me, too, but there's something highly rewarding about knowing you've made someone else's day better. whether it's holding the door for a stranger who has their hands full, baking a favorite dessert for your other half when they've had a long week, or bringing a coffee (or snack!) to your colleague when you know they're stuck in meetings.

being a thoughtful person is just that, being thoughtful. it implies generosity, but that doesn't mean it has to cost money. generosity of spirit is something my parents always taught me and talked to me about. be kind and giving. sounds easy and you're probably reading this saying "duh", but taking this attitude, will enrich your life, as well as those around you. some of it is inherent personality, but really, it's just about being aware of what's going on around you and acting on what you see. set a personal goal that each day, you'll try to do one thing that makes someone else's day better, even if it's a mild inconvenience to you. give your time, your energy, your effort, your wisdom, your patience. i know it will make you smile.

photo cred: jackie stauffer @ home

lesson 3: toilet diaries

lesson 3: toilet diaries

lesson 1: what is a grown-up?

lesson 1: what is a grown-up?