lesson 8: take breaks

lesson 8: take breaks

what better way to end the summer (sorry!) than to celebrate the need for rest and relaxation. you work hard, i know that. you hate to get behind on email, or have serious office FOMO on your favorite projects. but, if you're waking up after 8 hours of sleep, feeling groggy, or you feel like you'd like to throw your phone in a fountain (a la Devil Wears Prada), then it's time to give yourself a break! giving your mind and body time to rest and recharge is key to long-term success. 

sometimes you have to take a step back, in order to move forward.

how to take a break (i know, it's hard).

quick and dirty:

  • leave your phone at home when you go out to dinner. your #foodporn can take a night off.
  • go for a walk or a run (also without your phone)
  • go to a workout class with a friend
  • read a book, with paper pages
  • do a project, some arts and crafts, or some adult coloring
  • cook or bake something that you wouldn't normally do
  • book a spa appointment
  • organize your closets
  • write a letter to a friend
  • explore a new neighborhood in your city
  • listen to music or make a new favorite playlist
  • call a friend you haven't talk to in a while

and if all of that sounds too exhausting, then just take a nap.

a little more of a commitment: 

  • plan a trip. whether it's to visit a friend or family you haven't seen in a while, or just purely to get away. do it. depending on your budget, and whether you go for one-night, or a week, just give yourself some change of scenery. it's healthy. some favorite places:
    • New Orleans
    • Newport, RI
    • Hudson Valley
    • LA
    • Savannah, GA
    • Berkshires
    • Cape Cod
    • Nashville, TN
    • Key West
    • Cape May, NJ
    • Bermuda
    • Greece
    • Belize
    • Portugal

once you've given your brain and body a chance to recharge, you'll be amazed at how rejuvenated you feel. you can come back to work and real-life refreshed, with new ideas and excited, instead of depleted. now go, enjoy some me-time!

photo cred: bill stauffer @ hamilton princess beach club, bermuda

lesson 9: the company you keep

lesson 9: the company you keep

lesson 7: set boundaries

lesson 7: set boundaries