lesson 6: risk reward

lesson 6: risk reward

chameleons have it so easy. they just change colors when the going gets tough. change is hard. but you know how it goes. anything worth having... this change in season (the fall light is coming...) is bringing with it, a lot of change among my nearest and dearest. change in jobs, change in home, change in health, or a change in relationship status. if you're *lucky*, you're going through all of that at once. in today's world, i don't think anyone really has it easy

as referenced in lesson 4, you do the best you can and make decisions that move you forward, even if risky. here's the best advice i can give, which i follower personally.

when faced with decisions, take the path that gets you to a place where if you look back, you’d regret not taking the risk, more than taking the risk.

with greater risk, comes greater reward, and with greater reward, comes greater risk. but risk is also what allows us to grow. it's ok to be uncomfortable being uncomfortable. part of change is trusting yourself and giving yourself some credit. we're all hard on ourselves, and sure, we've all made mistakes. but make decisions with conviction and follow-through. i have an inherent belief that even if i make a bad decision, i'll be able to use my skills to get myself out of it. but i'd rather give it a shot, than look back and wonder the dreadful "what-if's".

all of this to say, take a risk! make a change! not just for the sake of it, but if you have a nagging feeling in the pit of your stomach, go for it.

photo cred: pinterest, AnOther

lesson 7: set boundaries

lesson 7: set boundaries

lesson 5: avoid career self-sabotage

lesson 5: avoid career self-sabotage