lesson 4: regerts (i mean, regrets)

lesson 4: regerts (i mean, regrets)

life is about making a lot of decisions. some important, some not important, but together this series of decisions propels you forward. having choices is a luxury but can also feel paralyzing or scary, making sure you make the right decision for you. sometimes it's crazy to think back to things like, which dorm you were assigned to, and how that affected the friends you made, and which job you decided to take after graduating, and who you met there. i met my husband at work and when i think about all the decisions we both had to make over the course of our life to end up in the same place at the same time (and the right time) it's kind of mind-blowing.

there are a few main things to remember:
1. you can only make the best decision you can, with the information you have at the time.
2. you don't want to live with regrets. when you're deciding between multiple options, consider which one you'd look back and regret not trying, the most.
3. trust your gut.
4. make decisions towards things that make you happy.

seems simple, but as humans, we're hard on ourselves. be kind to yourself. make good decisions based on the information you have. all you can ask of yourself is to kill it, each day, as best you can. whether you're deciding between jobs, where to live, boyfriends or girlfriends, or which neighborhood to move to, don't let your mind play tricks on you. keep these thoughts in mind and your path will continue to light up in front of you.

photo cred: jackie stauffer @ birch coffee (27th and madison ave.)

lesson 5: avoid career self-sabotage

lesson 5: avoid career self-sabotage

lesson 3: toilet diaries

lesson 3: toilet diaries